SmartMitt was designed for softball, baseball, or any sport that requires hitting a target.
SmartMitt is an LED panel connected to a computer and a camera.
Your LED “catcher” is built inside a portable, wheeled, padded steel frame.
Any variety of targets can be displayed.
The camera reads & records the location & speed of each pitch crossing the plate.
All results are stored by pitcher and session.
Results can be reviewed, displayed and sent to players, coaches, and parents.
SmartMitt automatically records your practice sessions and shares your progress.
Every session is captured to our secure database.
Automatic emails to your coach, instructor, parents.
Every Pitcher can compare themselves with others from the Region, State, or Nation based on sport, gender, age, and pitching orientation.
Share your data with recruiters to win that spot in the team.
Coaches create a log-in and track multiple players.
“Like many of you looking at this product, I was a Dad with a son and a daughter as pitchers.
Traveling with my job made it impossible for me to always catch my children's practice sessions. Over the phone or when I returned home I would always ask "Did you throw today?" or "How did you throw today?"
I developed this product to help pitchers practice and show them results...which will encourage them to practice more.
I want practice to be competitive and fun.”
-Tom Frenz, Founder of SmartMitt